Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Maiden Post!

Sooooo, like so many of us out there, we love blogs. We obsess over them, we check them daily, we try to start one (and give up) and we realize that it is an amazing way to learn new things. So why am I starting this here blog?

(because the above store is amazing)

Well, the truth is, I love food, nutrition, health and saving money. Seriously, all of these things make me super happy. Now I know there are some of you out there who think that Aldi is cheap and gross...well, I am making it a small mission of mine to prove you wrong. Not only will you see that Aldi is super affordable, but that you can make healthy, nutritious meals that will rock your socks off.

I also figure this will be a great way for me to archive some of my own experiments with food. We will find out what is good...what is bad...what is not worth trying a second time and what will be a part of my repertoire.

So step right up and join in the fun! And please, feel free to give some feedback and input...but let's keep it clean and as harmless as possible.


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